PT Galih Estetika Indonesia (GEI) specializes in sweet potato processing and is a pioneer in establishing a sweet potato business in Indonesia. Established in 1993 from international demand for sweet potato, we keep growing to extend our scale of the business by prioritizing product quality.
Galih Estetika Indonesia
Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) are an amazingly nutritious vegetable, excellent addition to a balanced diet and promote a healthy digestive system.
The Real Super Food
— check out our valuable products —
Frozen Whole
Frozen Paste
Frozen Cut
Frozen Whole Sweet Potato
Ingredients: 100% sweet potato
Expire Date: 24 months after production date in -18° C
Packaging: 5 kg
Storage: Keep it cool in -18° C condition
Capacity: 40 tons/months
Frozen Sweet Potato Paste
Variant: Violet and Yellow
Ingredients: 100% sweet potato
Expiry date: 24 months after production date in -18° C
Packaging : 2,5 kg or 5 kg
Storage: Keep it cool in -18° C condition
Yellow: 100 tons/months
Violet: 40 tons/month
Frozen Sweet Potato Cut
Variants: Slice Cut, Dice Cut, Stick Cut, Random Cut
Ingredients: 100% sweet potato
Expire Date: 24 months after production date in -18° C
Packaging: 5 kg
Storage: Keep it cool in -18° C condition
Capacity: 20 tons/months
Sweet Potato Powder
Variant: Violet and Yellow
Ingredients: 100% sweet potato
Expire Date: 24 months after production date in -18° C
Packaging: 5 kg
Storage: Keep it in Dry Place
Capacity: 20 tons/months
Food processing of raw material become food, with 800 until 1000 workers selected the raw materials to find and produce our products, we understands that the food manufacturing is a hygiene and value industry.
Consistency, Safety and Sustainability
Modern and Eco-Friendly Technology by Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia (2007)
Development of Modern SMEs of Sweet Potato by West Java Governor (2008)
Development of Food Security through Development of Food Agribusiness by Ministry of Agriculture (2008)
Exporter of Food Crop Commodities by Director General of Processing and Marketing of Agricultural Products, Ministry of Agriculture (2008)
Exporter of Agricultural Products through Partnership Cooperation with Farmers by Ministry of Agriculture Republic of Indonesia (2008)